6 Feb
6 Feb
4:45 a.m.
Hi, I bumped into a strange question. I used the following commands to set up the layout: \setuplayout[marking=color,location=middle, backspace=4.25pc, cutspace=20pc, topspace=4.25pc, bottomspace=7.5pc, footerdistance=3.5pc, footer=12pt, margindistance=2pc, header=0pc, headerdistance=0pc, leftmargin=0pc, height=middle, weight=middle] but when I change the value of cutspace here, nothing changes. What's wrong? Thanks in advance! Best, Helin -- Helin (Colin) Gai Class of 2009, Duke University Box 96332 Durham, NC 27708 Phone: 919-943-6302 helin.gai at gmail.com hg9 at duke.edu