Am 22.02.2015 um 18:56 schrieb John Culleton
: On Sun, 22 Feb 2015 15:57:48 +0100 Pablo Rodriguez
mailto:oinos@gmx.es> wrote: On 02/22/2015 01:55 PM, John Culleton wrote:
On Sat, 21 Feb 2015 14:16:31 -0500 Aditya Mahajan wrote:
[...] There should be a comma after 0.1.
With respect, I don't think so. Commas separate parameters. the last "0.1" is properly followed by a "]".
Hi John,
this should work:
\setupframed[framecorner=round, frameradius=0.1em, background=screen, backgroundscreen=0.70, backgroundcorner=round, backgroundradius=0.1em, corner=round, radius=0.1em]
Radius, framedradius and backgroundradius expect dimensions as values, not mere numbers.
BTW, having a sample that shows the problem increases the reply speed :-).
I hope it helps,
Pablo You had the cure.
I built a sample and then played with the em value. Lacking precise guidance I thought that the value was one of those 0 to 1 ranges. Not so. setting at 1.0 em gives me what I was looking for. The setting 0.1 em gave me rounding that was imperceptible without magnification.
Here is my successful sample: ------------------------------------- \setupframed
Use \setupframedtext to change the layout of \startframedtext.
[framecorner=round, frameradius=1em,
The “frameradius” setting can be omitted because you set “radius”.
background=screen, backgroundscreen=0.70, backgroundcorner=round, backgroundradius=1em,
The “backgroundcorner” and “backgroundradius” settings can be omitted as well because you set “corner” and “radius”.
corner=round, radius1em]
Missing “=” between “radius” and “1em”. Wolfgang