On 8/10/07, luigi scarso wrote:
Martina was born on thursday,August 09 2007 (09/08/07). Mum and baby are allright, daddy a bit blurred, as the photo says . luigi
On 8/11/07, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
[ ... and at the same time, on the other side of the Alps ... ]
Pius was born on thursday, August 09 2007 (09/08/07) -- at 18:36h.
Oh, happy day!
The same here, Mum and baby are alright, daddy busy with handling Rosa (5 years) and Floris (3 years) [thus no photo yet, sorry].
On 8/10/07, Peter Münster wrote:
On Fri, 10 Aug 2007, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
Here is what I can offer to the community :-)
(will go away soon)
You could also add it to http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Future_ConTeXt_Users ;-)
Cheers, Peter
Congratulations to all the happy fathers and mothers! So for the (Alpine) ConTeXt meeting next year (hopefully with a better weather than this year): kindergarten reservations for 20-25th August will be collected on contextgarden then :) Just let me know in advance :) Mojca