Le Mon 27/10/2008 à 19:55 Hans Hagen à écrit:
Mildred Ki'Lya wrote:
At the beginning of my document, I added:
\input format
And at the beginning of format.tex, I added:
\input context
you cannot use context this way (at least not currently)
Ok. It seems that was the way to get the Plain TeX macros, so I thought it would be the same for ConTeXt, apparently I was wrong.
Do you know how I can create my format based on ConTeXt?
i have no clue what you mean with 'my own format based on context'
I want to be able to tun a TeX document which uses macros that are specific to the document I create. And I would like to separate the macros from the actual document. I thought that I could run my own set of macros (I guess this is called a format, like Plain TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, ...). And to ease my work (espacially around the utf-8 encoding) I wanted to use ConTeXt which already provides high level features. I guess I'm trying to do some kind of unsupported things.
then you have to roll out your own code, (i.e why bother about context if you want to use your own code)
Because ConTeXt provides some high level features (like utf-8, I have no idea how to read utf-8 documents in plain TeX).
at some time in the future i will provide a system based on independent components, so that one can make a 'small context like thing' but it has a real low priority (unless someone pays for the effort)
That, I can understand :)
So, I'll dig a little bit more to see what I can do.
Thanks for the answers.
Mildred Ki'Lya
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