On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 00:11:56 +0200, Hans Hagen
nico wrote:
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 18:28:20 +0200, Hans Hagen
wrote: nico wrote:
I come back with that damn table test case. With release 2006.04.22: [...]
Thanks, it does it. Another torture case: when column widths are partially defined, it can give a weird result (here the last column has almost disppeared). Since it's a limit case, I don't know if it's worth being fixed.
indeed a strange case
the best is to collect them so that i can look into them some rainy day
(btw, if users have interesting example tables that demo something not in ennatab, then we can add them there)
I haven't ready-to-add tables, but maybe the following topics could be added (unless you want to let them to wiki): - use of \bTABLEhead..\eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody..\eTABLEbody and split=repeat, - use of the options distance, leftmargindistance, etc, - use of negative column/row values (not in the wiki). Regards, BG