Dear all, Is there a neat way to insert a stack of three figures in a line of text with the middle one sitting on the base line? I need it in a discussion of figured bass. (Figured bass is a system to indicate harmonies to be played above a bass-line. The figures can be single or stacked, two or three above each other. In discussing this topic in articles and books these "figures" are usually written as they appear in the music scores, in other words, stacked.) For a stack of two figures it can be done perfectly with \lohi{}{}. Is there a way to do it for a stack of three figures with the middle one sitting on the base line? (Something like \lomihi{}{}{}?) Here is an example in which the problem is stated once more. ----------------------------------------------- \starttext This does not look professional. A typical problematic example of this printing practice is Monteverdi's {\em L'Orfeo}, where, in the third act, in Speranze's recitative {\em Ecco l'atra palude}, several single fourths are printed, leaving for the continuo player the choice to play 5/4, 6/4, or 7/4/2. \medskip This does, for \lohi{4}{5} and \lohi{4}{6}. But how could this be done also for 7/4/2? (Interline distance may be enlarged as necessary.) A typical problematic example of this printing practice is Monteverdi's {\em L'Orfeo}, where, in the third act, in Speranze's recitative {\em Ecco l'atra palude}, several single fourths are printed, leaving for the continuo player the choice to play \lohi{4}{5}, \lohi{4}{6}, or 7/4/2. \stoptext ------------------------------------------------ Thanks in advance for any help. Best regards, Robert Blackstone