Dear List, I have an example, where the formula should be more left. Maybe something with \startalign? setuppapersize[A4] \setcounter[userpage][439] \setupbodyfont[modern, 12.95pt] \setuplayout[backspace=2.9cm, width=13.50cm] \defineenumeration [theorem] [ text=Theorem, title=yes, width=fit, distance=0.2em, alternative=serried, ] \definetextbackground[GrayBackground][ location=paragraph, background=color, backgroundcolor=lightgray, leftoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, rightoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, topoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, bottomoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, frame=off,] \starttext \blackrule[color=black, height=0.10ex, width=13.50cm]\dontleavehmode \inrightmargin{\blackrule[color=black, height=0.10ex, width=1.11cm]\par {\bf 7.3.53}} \usecolors[svg] \setupinteraction [state=start, contrastcolor=cornflowerblue] \reference[Abschnitt:1]{7.3.52} {\bi Beweis (von Proposition \goto{7.3.53} [Abschnitt:1]). \tf Die Eigenschaften (i)-(iii) fol-\par gen unmittelbar durch leichte Rechnung aus der Definition. \blank (iv) \space \space Wir berechnen \m u × (\m v × \m w):\nospace \startformula \m u ×(\m v × \m w )=\m u × \startmathmatrix[fences=parenthesis] \NC \m v_2w_3 \NC - \NC \m v_3w_2 \NR \NC \m v_3w_1 \NC - \NC \m v_3w_2\NR \stopmathmatrix \stopformula Many thanks Uschi