Hi, list! My question is just like that: how do I pass buffers or \input content to \processtokens. What I have done so far: \tolerant\protected\def\foo#={\ifparameter#1\or\oof{#1}\fi} \protected\def\oof#1{<#1>} \startbuffer[ofo] % Output: Th<i>s <is> not a <question> anymore! Th{i{s {is} not a {question} anymore! \stopbuffer \starttext \processtokens\foo\foo\relax\space{Th{i}s {is} not a {question} anymore!} % Neither \inlinebuffer nor \rawbuffer work in the example above \stoptext I've also tried a variant of the mechanism described in OPmac trick described here https://petr.olsak.net/opmac-tricks-e.html#etoks to process content token by token, but it only works with \normalinput. Any suggestions or guidance? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Jairo