In several palces I want to set up framed text with a gray background and rounded corners. Here is my \setupframed description: \setupframed[ framecorner=round, frameradius=0.1, background=screen, backgroundscreen=0.70, backgroundcorner=round, backgroundradius=0.1, corner=round, radius=0.1 ] -------------------- And here is my first framed text: -------------------------- \startframedtext[middle] \centerline{A Vision Example} \QQ{[In the year 20xx], our company is internationally recognized as the premier supplier of [your food products]. We regularly exceed customer expectations by providing innovative and valuable [your food products] .} \stopframedtext ------------------------------------ The hangup seems to be the rounded corners. I am using texlive 2014. BTW the macro QQ is my shorthand for \quotation which is much to long IMO. But I am American and use double quotes a lot. \def\QQ#1{\quotation{#1}} That is not the problem. Everything works until I try to use rounded corners. The customer had them on the last edition of the book, probably done with MSWord (!) All answers appreciated. -- John Culleton Wexford Press