Jens-Uwe Morawski said :
- ucp_context_test.pdf : the first try whith context and all the black figures
only xpdf has the problem with black backgrounds. Using Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 or GhostScript everything is fine.
Yes ! xpdf show the pdf figure well, but not the figure in de pdf file generated by ConTeXt! No problem with gv nor with acroread : Thank you very much! Hans Hagen said:
\setupcolors[state=start] .... [background=color,backgroundcolor=white]
should work ok
It does change anything (see the bug from xpdf) Hans Hagen said:
btw, there is a module m-pstricks that some of the users on this list are using that you can use to directly include pstricks code.
Thank you: so I find the .../cont-tmf/tex/context/base/m-pstric.tex file and tried the following code. \Topic{Test intégrant du pstricks } % pstric % \startPSTRICKS[offset=2pt] ... \stopPSTRICKS works in both dvi and pdf mode \usemodule[pstric] A-- \startPSTRICKS \pspicture(0,0)(10,10) \dorecurse{10}{\psline(0,0)(\recurselevel,10)} \dorecurse{10}{\psline(0,0)(10,\recurselevel)} \endpspicture \stopPSTRICKS --B But for now, it doesn't work (but it doesn't mater as I can import pdf file) -- Maurice.Diamantini@ensta.fr - ENSTA/LMA École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées http://www.ensta.fr/~diam