On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 10:18 PM, Harald Koenig < koenig@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
and here a 1st problem including (some) JPGs which are created/converted using "convert" from ImageMagick (using ImageMagick- from openSUSE 13.1 -- just in case...)
btw. -- I'm using a decent standalone context installation, full log file attached...
running "context j1.tex" I get
LuaTeX warning: arithmetic: number too big graphics > inclusion > limiting natural dimensions of './IMG_9712c1_bad.jpg' (height)
tex error > error on line 1 in file /home/harald/tex/Indien-2015/j1.tex: ! Dimension too large
for "IMG_9712c1_bad.jpg" which was generated with this command:
convert -resize 632x330 IMG_9712c1_ok.jpg IMG_9712c1_bad.jpg
using other tools I can't find any problem with that "bad" jpg, only context complains:-(
what's wrong with "IMG_9712c1_bad.jpg" ?also with pdftex
also with pdftex: figures : dimensions of IMG_9712c1_ok loaded from figurefile itself pdfTeX warning: pdftex: arithmetic: number too big <./IMG_9712c1_bad.jpg> ! Dimension too large. <to be read again> > \setanalyzedfiguredimensions ...lyzedfigurewidth > \zeropoint \ifdim \analyze... \doanalyzefiguredimensionsinternal ...ions \!!ten \fi <argument> ...}\doanalyzefiguredimensionsinternal \doanalyzefiguredimensions... \firstoftwoarguments #1#2->#1 \dododoanalyzeunknownfiguretype ...guredimensions \fi ... -- luigi