13 Apr
13 Apr
8:59 a.m.
Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini wrote:
May be I do not understand this right, but I thought that '\' is luas escape character and tex.print() returns '\' not '\\'. So TeX sees no macro '\\' which could expand to whatever.
This depends on how exactly you have input that line (which in turn nicely demonstrates why you should post minimal examples, instead of out-of-context questions). I tried: % engine=luatex \starttext \directlua0 {tex.print('$\\sqrt{2}=1.4142135623731$')} \ctxlua{tex.print('$\\sqrt{2}=1.4142135623731$')} \startluacode tex.print('$\\sqrt{2}=1.4142135623731$') \stopluacode \stoptext And all three work as they should. So what did you input, exactly, that gave wrong results? Best wishes, Taco