Am 03.03.2010 um 13:31 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:
On Mar 3, 2010, at 12:44 PM, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
I have read there were troubles with |-| in MkIV last year.
I found another one: the hyphen set by |-| doesn't get protruded.
Why do you need this |-| hyphen?
For hyphenation! Just try yourself: with "-" instead of "|-|" there is no hyphenation for test-text: \startluacode fonts.protrusions.vectors['stpure'] = { [0x002D] = { 0, 0.50 }, -- hyphen } fonts.protrusions.classes['stwpure'] = { vector = 'stpure', factor = 1 } \stopluacode \definefontfeature[default][default] [mode=node,protrusion=stwpure,script=latn]% extend=2,slant=.2, \usetypescript[postscript] \definetypeface[postscript][rm][serif][times][default] \setupbodyfont[postscript,18pt] \setupalign[line,block,hanging] \showframe \starttext \dorecurse{13}{test } test|-|text test \dorecurse{13}{test } test-text test \dorecurse{13}{test } test- text test \stoptext Steffen