On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Cecil Westerhof
In my opinion, title should be go out the startcheckbox env.
Why? Because your title is not a item at all -- its position is completely different from a \item and it's a "title". Eventually something like \startcheckbox[title={My title}]..\stopcheckbox
But it's an opinion.
% CheckBoxIndent = -(margin + width) = -4.5em \def\CheckBoxTitle[#1]{ \nop \hskip -4.5em #1 } Yes; a problem arise if you must modify the margin and/or width a little. You can use dimension eventually \showframe \definesymbol[checkbox][{[~~~]}] \defineitemgroup[checkbox] \newdimen\MyCheckBoxMargin \MyCheckBoxMargin=2em \newdimen\MyCheckBoxWidth \MyCheckBoxWidth=2.5em \def\CheckBoxTitle[#1]{ \nop \hskip \dimexpr -\MyCheckBoxWidth-\MyCheckBoxMargin\relax #1 }
\setupitemgroup[checkbox][each][packed][margin=\MyCheckBoxMargin, symbol=checkbox,width=\MyCheckBoxWidth,distance=.5em] \starttext \startcheckbox \CheckBoxTitle[title] \item Yes \item No \item A little bit \stopcheckbox \stoptext -- luigi