In case anyone was following this thread -- nothing I have been able to do has eliminated the context error. I have: 1. Unlinked/relinked Dropbox 2. Moved image files to new directories. 3. Renamed image files. 4. Used a test snippet of regular document headers with only the \starttext \externalfigure \stoptext 5. Used a test snippet of only the \starttext \externalfigure \stoptext The compile 'nil' response error persists. After four days of continued errors I have had to seek an alternate method for creating the print document. My thanks to those of you on this list who responded to my questions. Best regards, Guy S. -- "There is only love, and then oblivion. Love is all we have to set against hatred." (paraphrased) Ian McEwan Guy Stalnaker, I^2@DOIT, 1210 West Dayton Street, Room 3209 CSS, Madison WI 53719-1220, jstalnak@wisc.edu, work 608.263.8035, cell 608.235.4718, fax 608.265.6681, page page-guy@watchdog.doit.wisc.edu