On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 21:42, Paul Menzel wrote:
Dear Mojca,
Am Sonntag, den 06.11.2011, 15:19 +0100 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
After 5 years (actually almost 6 - the first t-gnuplot.tex code has been sent to me by Peter Münster on 2nd January 2006) gnuplot developers finally included context terminal into their CVS repository today.
The release of gnuplot 4.4.4 was initially planned for around October, which means that it should probably be out sometime soon.
Unfortunately it looks like the ConTeXt terminal was not included in version 4.4.4 released on November 14th [1] and is just planned for version 4.5 [2]. Can you confirm this?
[1] http://gnuplot.info/announce.4.4.4 [2] http://gnuplot.cvs.sourceforge.net/gnuplot/gnuplot/NEWS?view=markup
Yes. Sadly, for some reason the code was only included into CVS, but not into the 4.4.4 branch. The version 4.4.4 has been release "before I realized" (I was planning to ask about inclusion into 4.4 branch, but even if I did, there would be no guarantee for inclusion). There is a chance to include it into 4.4.6 if that version gets released at all (which means 5-6 months; it is unclear whether there will be another 4.4.6 or not; if not, it might take longer to release the next slightly incompatible version), but that might need an extra request to the gnuplot development team, and possibly some code improvements (who knows). I'm CC-ing one of the core developers. He can probably correct me if needed. The terminal will almost certainly be included in 4.6. However I believe that Tatsuro Matsuoka's binaries for windows from http://www.tatsuromatsuoka.com/gnuplot/Eng/winbin/ should contain the context terminal which makes it a lot more easy to use, at least on windows. On unix-es it is at least somewhat easier to compile gnuplot. Yes, having it available from the linux distribution might help, but at least now that it is in CVS it will be a lot faster to get it into released version than it was to get it into CVS ... Mojca PS (not to be taken too seriously): ... and then I will probably move to ROOT or Alan's new metapost macros and stop using gnuplot ;) ROOT currently has no export to TeX, so it's another challenge. http://root.cern.ch