Dear developers, I am/become one of the texlive mantainers on flathub a more or less recent and new approach for establishing a linux packaging format. The flatpak packages are usually build from source and so is the texlive package. You can find it under https://github.com/flathub/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.texlive/tree/branch... . The file https://github.com/flathub/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.texlive/blob/branch... is the build manifest which lists the files and commands/additional steps needed for the build process. The current build of texlive works well with pdflatex/lualatex/xelatex but with the context part I have some problems. Therefore, I would appreciate any help with the following questions: 1) Is context included in the texlive-20230313* tarballs or do I have to download it in an extra step? 2) If context is included in the texlive-20230313* tarballs, do I have to additionally download luametatex or is luametatex a part of context? 3) If luametatex is via context in the texlive-20230313* tarballs, how do I build it? Sorry for those (perhaps obvious) questions but I have to admit that I find the texlive building process quite confusing. Also, I could not find any installation guide that covers the scenario of building context within a texlive 2023 installation from its sources on linux. Thanks in advance and regards Jakob