Here just an inelegant half-solution:
I added the whole program path to the 'TeX-command-list and it works,
but this is hardly satisfying.
At least it suggests that nothing else is wrong except that emacs 29.3
and auctex 14.0.5 together decide
not to find a path, which is in .bashrc and works fine when called
from a shell (not from eshell though).
Thanks again for the tips,
----- Nachricht von Lizardo Reyna via ntg-context
You can update the command for ConTeXt as follows:
M-x customize-variable *↵*
TeX-command-list *↵*
find the appropriate section for ConTeXt commands and change it with (e.g.) "context --purgeall %t" (see attached image).
Apply and save.
Using the init.el you can also create your own commands:
(custom-set-variables '(ConTeXt-Mark-version "lmtx") '(ConTeXt-engine "lmtx"))
(eval-after-load "context" '(setq TeX-command-list (append '( ("context" "context --purgeall %t" TeX-run-command t :help "Run context (lmtx)") ("luametatex" "context --purgeall %t" TeX-run-command t :help "Run context (lmtx)") ) TeX-command-list ) ) )
I hope this helps.
Lizardo R.
----- Ende der Nachricht von Lizardo Reyna via ntg-context