On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Oliver Buerschaper
Do you perhaps also know how to draw a frame around the layer boundary? The command \setlayerframed only seems to encapsulate the actual content with a frame …
Can you be more concrete, what do you mean by boundry oround the layer.
I'm thinking of a frame that visualizes the actual drawable rectangle of the layer … that is, for
\definelayer [mylayer] [x=78mm, y=3mm, height=43.5mm, width=128mm]
I would like a frame to be drawn around the box whose dimensions and location on the page are specified by x, y, height and width. I'd also be fine if this area could be shaded with some background colour.
With \setlayerframed I seem to only get a frame which fits the actual content snugly, e.g. if I draw the text "Hello world" into the layer then a small frame will be drawn around this text only and not around the entire layer box …
Set the values with \setlayer and not with \definelayer.
See what I mean?
\definelayer [mylayer] \starttext \setlayerframed [mylayer] [x=78mm, y=3mm, height=43.5mm, width=68mm] {framed layer} \flushlayer[mylayer] \stoptext Wolfgang