Joel via ntg-context schrieb am 27.12.2024 um 14:49:
I need to make a symbol, checkmark, appear inside a table. It is from a different font.

If I use this, it displays the checkmark in the document:

    {\switchtobodyfont[garamondsymbols, 12 pt]✔}

But inside a tabulate environment, it stops displaying the checkmark. Is there any solution for this?

\NC{\switchtobodyfont[garamondsymbols, 12 pt]✔} \NC \NC\NR

1. Remove the space between 12 and pt.

2. Preload for your font at the begin of the document with \usebodyfont.



\NC \switchtobodyfont[antykwa]Antykwa \NC Pagella \NC\NR


3. If this still doesn't work show a complete example.
