Dear Sirs, For create and grade my MCQ (multiple choice quiz) I use the MUCH command that in had found at http://fourier.math.uoc.gr/~mk/much/. this is a very useful command for create and grade quizzes. Actually my main propose is use MUCH with context (or luatext). I prepare my exams in this way: Each question = one file Question example: """"" Today is: . 31 December --- the true question is the first . 25 December . 13 Mars . """"""""""""""""" In the test-description I include my specifications. And them I do: much create test-description A mc-outfile.tex is created. Now I do: pdflatex exam.tex for making the pdf file with all exams. If you can help I would use ConTeXT to prepare the pdf file. The migration should be very easy. I think there is necessary to define in context several commands like: \newcommand{\mcglobalheader} \newcommand{\mcpaperheader} \newcommand{\mcpaperfooter} \newcommand{\mcquestionheader}{\noindent{\bf Question \mcquestionnumber}: } \newcommand{\mcquestionfooter}{} In the file questions (mc-output.tex). """""""" mc-output.tex """""""""""" \mcglobalheader \def\mcserialnumber{500} \mcpaperheader \def\mcquestionnumber{1} \mcquestionheader How many circular orderings of the numbers $0,1,\ldots,10$ are there? (Two circular orderings which differ only by a rotation are not considered different.) \\ {$A$}: $10!$ \ \ {$B$}: $3^{11}$ \ \ {$C$}: $11!$ \ \ {$D$}: $9!$ \ \ \mcquestionfooter \mcpaperfooter %%%%% another exam \def\mcserialnumber{501} \mcpaperheader \def\mcquestionnumber{1} \mcquestionheader In how many ways can we select, from a set of 20 people, a committee of 3 different persons with a chair, secretary and member? \\ {$A$}: $20\cdot19\cdot18$ \ \ {$B$}: $\frac{20!}{3!}$ \ \ {$C$}: $20^3$ \ \ {$D$}: $3^{20}$ \ \ \mcquestionfooter \mcpaperfooter %%%%%%%%%%% Thanks a lot for your support. Happy New Year to all Jorge