However, judging from the documentation on your site, some features that I have read about in LaTeX - such as drop caps, complex headers, cross references, several series of footnotes etc (i.e. the packages "lettrine", "fancyhdr", "varioref" and "ledmac") - don't seem to be available in ConTeXt.
I use the packages lettrine, fancyhdr and ledmac, and from time to time I have a look at the way ConTeXt does the things I need. Dropped caps (versals) is possible with ConTeXt, finetuneable and not more difficult than with lettrine in LaTeX. Documentation for ConTeXt is hidden in the file supp-fun.tex in the base system. Creating complex running headers is easier in ConTeXt than in LaTeX, because the ConTeXt marking mechanism allows more than just leftmark and rightmark (and the two extramarks provided by the package extramarks), as in LaTeX. Documentation is in the main manual. However, there was a problem with the ConTeXt marking mechanism when using a two column layout, which had to be overcome by an "email bug fix" by Hans Hagen. I have not tried yet to create a complex critical edition with ConTeXt, with more than one footnote apparatus, which is easy with ledmac. Yours sincerely Tobias Hilbricht