Am 18.02.2015 um 20:04 schrieb Pablo Rodriguez
: Hi Wolfgang,
I have just discovered your t-ruby module.
Many thanks for this module, which is extremely useful for interlinear translations.
Here you have the sample:
\usemodule[ruby] \defineruby[trans][textstyle=\it]
\starttext \startTEXpage[offset=1em] \trans{The}{Der} \trans{sentence}{Satz} \trans{is}{ist} \trans{right}{richtig}.
\trans{Der}{The} \trans{Satz}{sentence} \trans{ist}{is} \trans{richtig}{right}. \stopTEXpage \stoptext
Is there no way that text above doen’t overlap?
Sorry, I should be too sleepy, because the hang and overhang options don’t seem to work for me.
It’s a bug. BTW: The following definition does what you want. \define[2]\trans {\dontleavehmode\framed[frame=off,offset=0pt,location=bottom,align=middle]{{\it #1}\\#2}} Wolfgang