Am 11.08.2010 um 11:22 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 10-8-2010 5:36, Andreas Harder wrote:
Hi all,
for me (OS X 10.6.4) mtxrun –script server –auto do not work. If I click on a font name I get: MTXrun | request from: MTXrun | requested action: /mtx-server-ctx-fonttest.lua?selection=hoeflertextregular MTXrun | performing action: /mtx-server-ctx-fonttest.lua?selection=hoeflertextregular MTXrun | requested file '/mtx-server-ctx-fonttest.lua?selection=hoeflertextregular' MTXrun | handling error 404: Not Found
Another thing is the streams-module. Here is an example:
\usemodule[streams] \definestreamlayer[test][method=overlay] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=test]
\starttext \showframe \startstreamlayer[test] \startcolumns \input knuth \stopcolumns \stopstreamlayer
\setlayer[test][x=5cm,y=10cm]{\placestreamlayer[test]} \stoptext
And here the error: ! Undefined control sequence. l.19 \defineoutputstream[\v!left]
This is not really a bug. Streams in mkii are an experiment and will not be developed further (is a module after all). In mkiv there will be a different mechanism. There is some experimental code ... copied from the source:
\setuplayout[grid=yes] \showgrid
\input tufte
Wat doen we hier?
Are you sleeping, brother John?\footnote{xxx}
\dorecurse{4}{x \footnote{note \recurselevel}\input tufte \par \pushoutputstream}
Bruder Jakob, schläfst du noch?\footnote{yyy}
\dorecurse{4}{x \footnote{note \recurselevel}\input ward \par \pushoutputstream}
Vader Jacob, slaap je nog?\footnote{zzz}
\input tufte
\page \flushoutputstream[en] \input knuth \page \flushoutputstream[de] \input knuth \page \flushoutputstream[nl] \input knuth
Hello Hans, big thanks for the explanation. Andreas