Your demimed ConTeXt source: ================================== \starttext \useURL[imara-web-page][http://imara.csail.mit.edu][http://imara.csail.mit.edu] An interesting project can be found at \url[imara-web-page]. \stoptext ================================== (by the way, I find it easiest if example tex code is placed inline in a message, unless it needs attaching due to strange character codes or whitespace issues, in which case quoted-printable encoding makes it easier to scan than base64 encoding does.)
From an earlier message in this thread:
Here is an example that I put on the wiki (because I kept forgetting how to do it and wanted one place to find it again, but I never can find it quickly there anyway, so now it's in the list archives at least): \setupcolors[state=start] \setupinteraction[state=start,color=middlered] \useURL [garden][http://contextgarden.net][][Context garden] \starttext The \from[garden] is useful. \stoptext I just tested it on the live context and it works fine with an active link in the pdf file. But it didn't work in the 2006.10.05 beta (the space in the "Context garden" caused problems). Maybe your example didn't have \setupinteraction[state=start] ? Which looks like one of the problems. For the other, you need to replace \url with \from, giving: \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \useURL[imara-web-page][http://imara.csail.mit.edu][http://imara.csail.mit.edu] An interesting project can be found at \from[imara-web-page]. \stoptext which works fine here. If you want colored links (green by default), add \setupcolors[state=start] And to change the link color, use the color= option to \setupinteraction: \setupinteraction[state=start,color=middlered] -Sanjoy `Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.' --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.