Hello, I would like to discuss a few points about backgrounds (\startbackground ... \stopbackground). First of all, it would be nice to have "background classes", so that I can have different backgrounds for different things without having to reset it each time. (Think \definebackground[this][options=values], \setupthis, \startthis ... \stopthis, as usual.) The second point is about the splitting capabilities in backgrounds. This is incredibly nice to have, but needs a little finetuning, IMO: it should be possible to specify whether the various options that concern the "border" of the background (i.e. background corner, frame, frame corner, etc) should act at split time or not; example: assume that I set my background to have a frame (frame=on) If the background gets split across pages, I get two "boxed" text: the first in the first page, the second in the second page. Instead, to show that the block continues on the next page, it should be possible to turn this off. I suggest options like: splitframe, splitframecorner, splitbackgoundcorner analogous to topframe/bottomframe and the like, which defines the behaviour of frames and angles in the "split area". Moreover (now I'm getting picky, but while we're at it ...) it would be nice, even for generic framed text, to be able to specify the behaviour of each single corner separately (say, top left and top right rounded, bottom left and right rectangular). -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta