Am 17.10.2011 um 15:03 schrieb Andreas Schneider:
On 17.10.2011 14:46, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Ah, that is what I was looking for. Bold works now! Thank you! :-)
There's still one problem though: italic doesn't work.
Is there a file for the italic style?
I guess the font doesn't provide that feature by itself, but can it be emulated/enabled?
ConTeXt can fake the slanted and bold style but they are not the same as a real italic and bold font.
AFAICS there is no italic style. Only regular, bold and semi-bold. What is needed to get simplefonts to fake italic (and slanted for that matter)?
\usemodule[simplefonts] \definefontfeature[fakeitalic][default][slant=.25] % for fake bold use “stretch=<number>” \setmainfont [telegrotesk] [regularfont=* nor, italicfont=* nor, boldfont=* fett, bolditalicfont=* fett, italicfeatures=fakeitalic, % just the name of a fontfeature bolditalicfeatures=fakeitalic] Wolfgang