On Tue, Feb 09 2010, Sebastien Mengin wrote:
Thanks for the link, I failed to use it, as I have a ConTeXt/luaTeX versions distributed by ubuntu/jaunty, which seems to be too old. I should update and give it a try -- later.
Hello Sebastien, Anyway, it was not the latest version. In the current version of MKIV, there is no support for language-specifics, so there is actually no support for switching back from French to another language.
Did you have a look at the doc I posted yesterday?
Yes. I attach a recent t-french.tex file, that supports most of frenchb. In detail:
1. the 1. paragraph of each section is indented (LATEX only);
2. the default items in itemize environment
3. vertical spacing in general LATEX lists is shortened;
Done in itemize list.
4. footnotes are displayed "à la française".
What is this?
1. French hyphenation patterns are made active;
2. `double punctuation' (: ; ! ?) is made active
3. \today prints the date in French;
The command is "\date".
4. the caption names are translated into French (LATEX only);
5. the space after \dots is removed in French.
There is no space.
1. French quotation marks
2. A command \up is provided
provided for ordinals: \ier, \iere, \iers, \ieres, \ieme, \iemes
the macro \bsc (boxed small caps) does this, e.g., Leslie~\bsc{Lamport}
4. Commands \primo, \secundo, \tertio and \quarto print 1o, 2o, 3o, 4o. \FrenchEnumerate{6} prints 6o.
obtained via the commands \No, \Nos, \no, \nos.
6. Two commands are provided to typeset the symbol for \degre
the TEXbook p. 134). The command \DecimalMathComma makes the comma
\enablemathpunctuation \disablemathpunctuation
8. A command \nombre was provided in 1.x versions to easily format numbers
\dorecurse6{ \setdigitmode \recurselevel\relax \recurselevel: \digits{12.345,90} \digits{12.345.000} \digits{1,23}\par}
9. frenchb has been designed to take advantage of the xspace package
No. Here a test file: \usemodule[french] \starttext \section{test} \Bsc{Test} \Bsc{Test} \startitemize \item 1\ier\ item \item «bla» \item bla \stopitemize \quotation{bla} hello: hello; hello? hello! \date \stoptext Cheers, Peter -- Contact information: http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/