23 May
23 May
12:01 a.m.
On Sat 21 May 2011, Paul Menzel wrote:
using ConTeXt and not LaTeX you maybe also use a nice reference management software the main stream does not know about. But probably it is not related to ConTeXt at all since it is BibTeX in the end.
As someone using stone-age reference management (i.e. a plain BibTeX file maintained by hand), I found the emacs snippet at the bottom of http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RefTeX incredibly useful. If you have the cursor over a bibliography key, it lets you open the corresponding pdf (or ps, dvi, djvu etc.) with a single keystroke. I've tried JabRef, Referencer, Mendeley and various others but plain emacs (I don't use RefTeX) and that snippet still seem to work best for me. Pont