On Fri, 13 Aug 2010 17:58:55 +0200
"Hans" == Hans Hagen
Hans> it depends ... simplefonts uses some heuristics and therefore can Hans> make it easier but not all fonts fit into a systematic approach I see. Hans> for a long time project making a few typescripts (just use those Hans> defined at the end of type-otf.mkiv as template) and using file: Hans> is more robust esp as it will nicely fail when something Hans> fundamental has changed (names or so) Thanks for the hint. By inspecting type-otf.mkiv from texlive & context-minimals, I see that the latter is almost 4x bigger - probably it includes most of the interesting free fonts available. For now, it can be enough considering that atm we'll mostly write markdown/reST and convert to ConTeXt via pandoc, but later we'll go into final production and then there will be another question relevant - whether there are some affordable commercial quality fonts which could enhance the free collection and which cover extended Unicode range (we need to use Sanskrit diacritics that were created via TeX accent mechanism when we worked in old LaTeX). Sincerely, Gour -- Gour | Hlapicina, Croatia | GPG: CDBF17CA -- -- Gour | Hlapicina, Croatia | GPG: CDBF17CA --