Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
when I add \hyphenation{Voll-stön-dig-keit} into my tex file I get the following error:
(C:\texmf\tex\context\base\xtag-utf.tex loading : Context XML Macros (UTF-8) ) ! Not a letter. \@default@adiaeresis ->\char 228 \utfunihashglyph ...r \utfdiv {#1}}{#1}\endcsname \fi <inserted text> Voll-stä n-dig-keit \hyphenation ...malhyphenation {\the \scratchtoks }\endgroup l.118 \hyphenation{Voll-stän-dig-keit} ?
Any ideas?
Perhaps your input is latin1, only pretending to be utf-8. In a latin-1 text editor, it should look like this: \hyphenation{Voll-stän-dig-keit} But this sort of stuff is tricky to get right in e-mail, and I am just guessing. What I tried is attached, and that worked for me. Cheers, Taco