On 10/09/2010 12:51 AM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:
One comment, two questions Taco :
C1: Great idea; this project has my wholehearted support.
Q1: When you write "In short, anything that cannot be on TeX Live but can still legally be distributed over the Internet can have a place on TLContrib.", does this not open a hole rather wider than you intended.
Sure, that is the intention. I do not think of the front page or the announcement as a contract, but I have added a 'related to TeX' to this phrase.
Q2: When you write "Quick start: to use this site as a TeX Live repository, point the TeX Live package manager to http://tlcontrib.metatex.org/2010. If you want to know more details about using TLContrib, see the using TLContrib page.", does this mean that I (and others) can use /solely/ TLContrib henceforth, or
No. To make this a little clearer, I've added 'temporarily' to the 'point the TLmgr' sentence. Still not the clearest possible phrasing, but better. The current multi-repository support in tlmgr is rudimentary, and it needs extensions to make extra sites like tlcontrib work in a natural way. We are already discussing such extensions off list, but there is no time frame for implementation yet. Best wishes, Taco