On Thursday 11 February 2010 11:10:19 Sebastien Mengin wrote:
Le 10 févr. 2010 à 03:04, Wolfgang Schuster a écrit:
Am 10.02.10 10:07, schrieb Sebastien Mengin:
1. French quotation marks
There I should probably dive in the doc cause I'd be surprised nothing is set up for the following issue, but, in French, if we have a quotation in a quotation, the second pair of quotation marks shoud appear as `` and ''.
\quotation{Citation \quotation{exemple}}
If I do \quotation{Citation ``exemple''} the result is incorrect.
\quotation{Citation \quote{exemple}}
Right, thanks. I'd like to be able to do « Citation ``citation'' », though. (Put clearly, I'm not sure I like the \quotaion{} mecanism.)
At the moment, the : `` actually prints literally, instead of printing an english left double-quote.
In this case, use: « Citation “citation” » Alan