22 Sep
22 Sep
2:50 p.m.
On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 13:37:47 +0200 (MEST)
"Severin Obertuefer"
it works, but only with a "normal" circle. if the circle is xyscaled the same thing seems to bee much more complicate... here is the mp-code once again:
beginfig(2); path c; pair A, B; c := fullcircle scaled 2 cm xyscaled(1.3,.8); A := (origin--(3cm,2cm)) intersectionpoint subpath (0,2) of c; B := (origin--(-5cm,1cm)) intersectionpoint subpath (2,4) of c; draw c; draw origin--B; draw origin--A;
draw (c cutbefore B)--(c cutafter A) withcolor red ;