Le 09 févr. 2010 à 11:30, Peter Münster a écrit:
Hello Sebastien,
Hi Peter, Thanks for your interest.
Anyway, it was not the latest version.
In the current version of MKIV, there is no support for language-specifics, so there is actually no support for switching back from French to another language.
Did you have a look at the doc I posted yesterday?
Yes. I attach a recent t-french.tex file, that supports most of frenchb.
ok, I just installed the current ConTeXt minimal and your module works fine.
4. footnotes are displayed "à la française".
What is this?
The footnote mark is not superscript and followed by a dot.
5. the space after \dots is removed in French.
There is no space.
Comment: \dots actually produces a space, not \ldots.
1. French quotation marks
There I should probably dive in the doc cause I'd be surprised nothing is set up for the following issue, but, in French, if we have a quotation in a quotation, the second pair of quotation marks shoud appear as `` and ''. \quotation{Citation \quotation{exemple}} If I do \quotation{Citation ``exemple''} the result is incorrect.
4. Commands \primo, \secundo, \tertio and \quarto print 1o, 2o, 3o, 4o. \FrenchEnumerate{6} prints 6o.
obtained via the commands \No, \Nos, \no, \nos.
6. Two commands are provided to typeset the symbol for \degre
You mean: not for the moment?
8. A command \nombre was provided in 1.x versions to easily format numbers
\dorecurse6{ \setdigitmode \recurselevel\relax \recurselevel: \digits{12.345,90} \digits{12.345.000} \digits{1,23}\par}
The third item of this example is correct in French. Thanks again, -- Sébastien Mengin Édition et logiciels libres < Mise en page avec LaTeX > http://edilibre.net