21 Dec
21 Dec
4:50 a.m.
I know that metapost can send the variables "version", "number", "string", "point", "quad", "boolean" and "path" to Context. "triplet" variable can't pass. It will be very usefull if metapost can send a array to context. \startMPcode numeric x[]; for i = 1 upto 10: x[i]:=random; endfor passvariable("array",x); passvariable("version","1.0") ; passvariable("number",x[1]) ; passvariable("string","whatever") ; passvariable("point",(1,2)) ; passvariable("triplet",(1,2,3)) ; passvariable("quad",(1,2,3,4)) ; passvariable("boolean",false) ; passvariable("path",fullcircle scaled 1cm) ; \stopMPcode \ctxluacode{inspect(metapost.variables)} \ctxcommand{mprunvar("array")} Thanks in advance Jorge