<--- On Mar 17, Alexander Lazic wrote --->
i plan to write a math-booklet and have a question about the math-modules in contex.
What is the preferd way to deal with math in contex?
MathML (xml-way) or \*formula (tex-way, from my point of view)
I do not know the pros and cons of both methods, but I personally find the mathML too verbose to type in. If you have an editor generating the mathml for you, it is a different matter. But if you prefer to type in your formulas,the tex way is much easier to input.
I'am plan the outputs to pdfs.
Does that mean no (X)HTML? Then either method should serve you fine.
There are some complex (integrals, complex numbers, ...), formulas and electionical circuits figures.
All of these are fairly easy with both methods. I use the regular context math and it works perfectly. There are a few gotchas, but there are easy workarounds. I have not used MathML, but from what I have seen in the context manuals, mathml is equally powerful.
I'am not sure what is the 'best' way ;-)
It depends on what you are comfortable with. If you do not plan to have xml/xhtml output for a web browser, the both methods are equally good. If you want to present output in xhtml, then I guess that mathml will be better. Choose the one which `feels natural' to you. HTH, Aditya -- Aditya Mahajan, EECS Systems, University of Michigan http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam || Ph: 7342624008