On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Peter Münster
On Thu, Aug 21 2008, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
For beginners (especially former LaTeX users), this is a real headache: \framed, \externalfigure and so on start sometimes a new paragraph, and sometimes not. In my opinion, these commands should behave like a simple hbox.
But this is exactly what \framed does.
\starttext \framed{text} \framed{text} \hbox{text} \hbox{text} \stoptext
Oh, you're right, I was pretty sure, that \hbox behaved like a normal letter...
AFAIK this was also in one of the exercises in the TeXbook, a \hbox in vertical let you remain in vertical mode.
Ok, then I would rather like to compare this with \parbox and \includegraphics from LaTeX: they behave like normal letters. Perhaps I've just spent too much of my life-time with LaTeX... :(
What you want produce also unwanted results in other commands.
\starttext \placefigure {Centered?} {\dontleavehmode\framed{No!}} \stoptext
I don't know, why this is not centred, but I would say, that \placefigure{Centred?}{\framed{test}} and \placefigure{Centred?}{test} should behave the same way.
In this yes but in my example the \dontleavehmodein front of \framed forced TeX to go in horizontal mode and to use \hsize as width for the float box. \starttext \ruledvbox{\hbox{text}} \ruledvbox{\dontleavehmode\hbox{text}} \stoptext Wolfgang