Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Small problem with bibtex. I have (in a document different from the one I mentioned before)
\setupbibtex[database={mrabbrev,bilotta}] \setuppublications[alternative=ams,criterium=all]
This is the same bug Rob ran into. Putting the alternative= first, in a separate command, should work: \setuppublications[alternative=ams] \setuppublications[criterium=all]
BTW, you may also want to introduce the \nocite command, which adds something to the publications list without actually citing it in the text. If you want, you can make it support the \nocite[*] syntax to hiddenly cite everything.
I've added \nocite[<list>] to my code, as well as the alias \cite[none][<list>], but not the * form, because that functionality is there already (criterium=all). I'll try to have a new beta soon (hopefully tonight) Cheers, Taco