Am 2008-04-24 um 13:54 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Next exercise for me: creation of a new font collection! Could you suggest please, what fonts would fit nicely with garamond, for ss, tt and mm?
I suggest palatino (mathpazo?) for math but this would be more a topic for Hraban, you could try to use the luxi mono fonts for typewriter.
Sorry, had no time to read mailing lists last week... I seldom use math, so I can't say anything useful about math fonts. Perhaps try Euler, I guess they fit well with a lot of serif fonts. I generally like the LM mono more than any other typewriter font - it's not only a line font like Courier, is well readable, has several faces and looks really nice. I never used URW Garamond, so I can't really advise you on some fitting sans. It depends what you intend to typeset in what face (e.g. only titlings in sans, body text in serif?). It also depends on the subject of your product - novels, science books, lifestyle magazines, product brochures etc. need a different style. Perhaps try if you like Frutiger, Optima (URW Classico), URW Grotesk, Myriad or even Helvetica (TeXGyre Heros). If you need it only for titlings, perhaps you'll like Clearface Gothic, FF Unit, Benguiat Gothic... It's really a matter of taste. (Most of the mentioned fonts are commercial, of course.) Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)