Von: Arthur Reutenauer
make: ./ctangle: Command not found
As has already been said, you need a working TeX installation in order to compile new binaries. Try TeX Live 2008, which has a i386-solaris binary distribution.
Yes I know. I installed it a few hours ago and included the directory containing the binaries into PATH: mickraus@gandalf:~/context/build-binaries$ echo $PATH /export/home/mickraus/texlive/bin/i386-solaris:/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin mickraus@gandalf:~/context/build-binaries$ which pdflatex /export/home/mickraus/texlive/bin/i386-solaris/pdflatex mickraus@gandalf:~/texlive$ find . -name ctangle ./bin/i386-solaris/ctangle But now I am going to bed. I will work through Mojcas post tomorrow. Good Night, Michael Krauss -- Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger