2008/10/25 Marcin Borkowski
Dnia Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 02:58:24AM +0200, Diego Depaoli napisał(a): This code seems to work (approximately) like this: it expands the "full" reference, which is: <number> <dot> <number> <dot>
and selects "everything from the first dot up to the second one (w/o the dots themselves). So I consider it to be a bit dirty hack (sorry, Wolfgang;)), in a sense that it is not very flexible. Thanks for clarification, here I begin to understand
If your stopper is, say ")" (and the second one, say, "]", so you have references in a strange form like "1)2]"), you might want to say something like \def\doItemNumber #1)#2]#3\relax mmmm... I tried before posting... doesn't work
\edef\sometemporarymacroname{% \def\noexpand\doItemNumber ##1\stopper ##2\stopperr ##3\relax {\noexpand\doifelsenothing{##2} {##1} {##2}}% }% \sometemporarymacroname Here I stop understand and I can't get this code working. Could you give me a full example?
I'm not sure whether this works, though, *please* check it and tell me (maybe I'm doing some stupid error, please the TeX gurus correct me if yes). I hope this is ok, though, because then it my first post to this list containing actually an _answer_ and not a _question_:))). This time will never come for me.
Cheers -- Diego Depaoli