hi, luatex can't handle the page group entry from \TransparencyHack ( \doPDFpageattribute{/Group << /S /Transparency /I true /K true>>} ). when i try to include a pdf (made by luatex) which such an entry i get [..] luaTeX warning: PDF inclusion: Page Group detected which luatex can't handle. Ignoring it.
]) systems : end file anzeige_doc at line 315 )Type1: Could not open Type1 font: (null)MtxRun | loading configuration for r:/tex/texmf-context/web2c from r:/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/c9b9f3f1764157bd10c7a40fc8d4e5b9/trees/afb193bfb83d30e68f95756e818645be MtxRun | loading configuration for r:/tex/texmf/web2c from r:/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/c9b9f3f1764157bd10c7a40fc8d4e5b9/trees/b69cd8db662fdc8e4c09165909c3f8af MtxRun | run 1: luatex --fmt="r:/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/c9b9f3f1764157bd10c7a40fc8d4e5b9/formats/cont-en" --lua="r:/tex/texmf-cache/luatex-cache/context/c9b9f3f1764157bd10c7a40fc8d4e5b9/formats/cont-en.lua" "./anzeige_doc" MtxRun | return code: 1 MtxRun | fatal error, run aborted
the later error also appears, if i don't use \TransparencyHack. mh, donno. pdftex (1.40.8-beta-20080627-2.2) works ok and can also handle the page attributes from the hack. regards, peter