Am 17.07.2009 um 14:34 schrieb Harrie Frericks:
3. I ran mtxrun --script fonts --list --pattern=*stone*. I got about twenty lines of output in three columns. Here is an example:
stonesans StoneSans c:/fonts/ITC Stone Sans/SS______.AFM
So far, so good. Now, I want to use this font and you included a link to a Wiki article. This article says I have to use a typescript. The example typescript from the Wiki uses the \definetypeface command. I searched everywhere for a good description of this command, but wasn't able to find one, unfortunately. Using the example from the Wiki:
\definetypeface [Bonum] [rm] [serif] [bonum] [default]
how would I use this command to be able to use my Stone Sans font from the mtxrun output? In the [Bonum] example I can't find a reference to a font file of the type c:\fonts\etc.....
The \definetypeface command alone is not enough, you have to tell ConTeXt which of the fonts should be used for the upright, italic, bold etc. style. You can find such a example at the end of the page -> http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Fonts_in_LuaTex#Example It's a good exercise to write a complete typescripts once by hand but when you want a simpler way to use font with LuaTeX you can use the simplefonts module, it hides the complete typescript mechanism from the user and you have to know only a few commands, the following code should be enough to use your font in a document. \usemodule[simplefonts] % make sure the module is available on your system \setmainfont[StoneSans] % create a typescript for 'StoneSans' and enable the font \starttext This is a dummy text which is hopefully typeset with the StoneSans font, you could also switch the style to {\it italic}, {\bf bold} or {\bi bolditalic}. \stoptext Wolfgang