Dear Hans, I'd like to remind you about an old problem report ------ From: Tobias Burnus Date: 2008-01-04 16:01 +300 I can use \useattachment to embed/attach files in a PDF file. I can use: \useattachment[whatever][title][newname][test.tex] \attachment[whatever] This creates an attachment with the description "title" and the name "test.tex". However, how can I set the author/subject? (Shown in tool tip of the annotation symbol; it is shown above the description; actually subject is enough for me.) Additionally, I miss the file size and possibly the modification date for the attachments; they are often handy to have. Is is possible to associate an embedded file stream with the document itself without creating an annotation symbol as with \attachment in ConTeXt? (The PDF spec allows this; cf. e.g. 3.10.3 in the PDF spec and http://www.microtype.com/showcase/EmbedFiles.pdf for an example PDF file.) ------- what he names "author/subject" is the "T" entry in annotation dictionary (the same where /Subtype /FileAttachment goes), that is described as "The text label that shall be displayed in the title bar of the annotation’s pop-up window when open and active. This entry shall identify the user who added the annotation." It appears as the upper of the two lines that are shown when the mouse pointer is over file attachment annotation icon (the lower one is the description mentioned above). And for "file size and modification date" to show up file stream has to look like 8 0 obj<< /Params << /ModDate (20050217) /Size 2048>> /Length 1218>>stream not just 15 0 obj<< /Length 144>>stream as it is now. Sincerely, Michail