On 30/06/21 12:25, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 6/30/2021 7:35 PM, Alan Braslau wrote:
On 29/06/21 05:52, Hans Hagen wrote:
well, you ask for nothyphenated; we could define
\permanent\protected\def\-% {\begingroup \hyphenationmode\explicithyphenationmodecode\explicitdiscretionary \endgroup}
i will ponder this
I believe that \- defines an *optional* hyphenation point. Specifying nothyphenated should not hyphenate, even at optional points. The author can otherwise use hyphenated and arrange to help the words get hyphenated at certain points.
Perhaps a new "optional" hyphenation point macro can be added that would have super-powers to override the align parameter. There would be no surprises using such a feature. We can't use \= unless we drop the \= being macros (anyone using that?)
We can also use \+ which currently is just "+" because it needs some value (sometimes it gets a local meaning).
So here is something to ponder:
\pushoverloadmode \unprotect
\permanent\protected\def\superexplicitdiscretionary {\begingroup \hyphenationmode\explicithyphenationmodecode\explicitdiscretionary \endgroup}
\permanent\protected\def\lang_explicit_discretionary_yes-% {\superexplicitdiscretionary}
\protect \popoverloadmode
\nohyphens \hsize 1mm
test\-test \par test\--test
\= macron accent (bar) should not be changed. \-- is a good suggestion, like insisting, and should not get confused with -- (en dash). -- Alan