Jessica Holle wrote:
I've searching for a dokumentation how to build a presentation, like in Powerpoint but better :-) with ConTeXt. I haven't found somethink in the PDF's on the Pragma page and on the Wiki.
Only the Raw Steps module, which I doesn't understand. Has somebody information to this theme?
Building a presentation in ConTeXt is not much different than preparing an usual ConTeXt document, with some exceptions: - \usemodule[pre-general] includes some general definitions that you probably want to use - you probably have to use another page dimensions \setuppapersize % (already in pre-general) [S6][S6] - you probably want to have full-screen \setupinteractionscreen [option=max] - you may want to give some dynamics to the slides - growing pictures - see 13.6/page 514 of metafun-s.pdf - see animated construction of euro symbol under http://contextgarden.net/Sample_documents - growing content (3 completely different ways) - archive.contextgarden.net/message/20040804.222358.500e9264.html - Patrick's http://levana.de/emacs/elisp/elug/ - David Mungner's RawSteps module (steps, but without JavaScript) - you may want to have hyperlinks (next page, previous page) - you probably want lots of pictures \externalfigure[name][width=...] (probably surrounded by \placefigure) - ask Mr. Google for animation or presentation and add site:contextgarden.net or site:pragma-ade.com Just an interesting presentation: http://www.loria.fr/~roegel/TeX/context-gut2002.pdf (or .tex) [tex]/tex/context/base/s-pre-*.tex are far the best way to learn a couple of things. For a beginner it's a lot new stuff at once (I year ago I spent much more time figuring out how to do something than I actually spent on the content for the slides), but once you're familiar with the basics, these files are pretty clear to undestand. If you use \usemodule[pre-*], you can build a presentation pretty fast. You can change colors or redefine some other things that you see in the source of these modules. Later on you can start building your own styles or, if you don't need fancy slides at all, all you have to do is to define the proper page size, background color, style of section titles, ... And don't forget about: - ms-cb.en.pdf - art-pres.pdf (ignore \presentationstep as it doesn't seem to work) - cont-eni.pdf - metafun-s.pdf (or any other metapost material: "learning metapost by doing", "metapost manual", ...) if you want to make some fancy graphics by yourself. Have fun preparing your slides, Mojca