10 Feb
10 Feb
2:11 a.m.
Le 09 févr. 2010 à 11:48, Hans Hagen a écrit:
1. the 1. paragraph of each section is indented (LATEX only); 2. the default items in itemize environment 3. vertical spacing in general LATEX lists is shortened;
to me these sounds like a design issue, not related to french
Note that the frenchb package aims at typesetting documents following the instructions provided by the Imprimerie nationale guide. This guide is not a typographic code that rules for every case everywhere, but it is generally admitted as a good base for typesetting french documents. So true, there are design issue that are dealt by default if one loads that package in LaTeX. -- Sébastien Mengin Édition et logiciels libres < Mise en page avec LaTeX > http://edilibre.net