All, Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here? %Ouput=pdf \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor[gridlines][s=0.7] \startMPinclusions color gridlines; gridlines=\MPcolor{gridlines} \stopMPinclusions \startMPgraphic{create function path f 5-by-5} %define clipping path path cpath; cpath:=(-5,-5)--(5,-5)--(5,5)--(-5,5)--cycle; %create function path path p; p:=(-5,f(-5)); for x=-5 step .1 until 5: p:=p--(x,f(x)); endfor; p:=p--(5,f(5)); %clip function path to clipping path p:=p cutbefore cpath; p:=reverse p; p:=p cutbefore cpath; \stopMPgraphic \startMPgraphic{scale and draw f 5-by-5} %scale function path p:=p scaled u; %draw function path drawdblarrow p withcolor blue; \stopMPgraphic \startMPgraphic{draw axis 5-by-5} %draw the grid for k=-5u step 1u until 5u: draw (k,-5u)--(k,5u) withcolor gridlines; draw (-5u,k)--(5u,k) withcolor gridlines; endfor; %draw axes drawdblarrow (-5.2u,0)--(5.2u,0); drawdblarrow (0,-5.2u)--(0,5.2u); %label axes label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (5.2u,0)); label.top(btex $y$ etex, (0,5.2u)); label.bot(btex $5$ etex, (5u,0)); label.lft(btex $5$ etex, (0,5u)); \stopMPgraphic \starttext \startMPpage %define function vardef f(expr x)= x*x enddef; \useMPgraphic{create function path f 5-by-5} %initialize scale numeric u; 10u=2in; \useMPgraphic{draw axis 5-by-5} \useMPgraphic{scale and draw f 5-by-5} %draw plotted points for x=-2 step 1 until 2: drawdot ((x,f(x)) scaled u) withpen pencircle scaled 4pt withcolor blue; endfor; \stopMPpage \stoptext %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: conTeXt-en %%% End: