Hans, you forgot to define a \testitem...
\define[1]\testitem{{#1} {\test}}
Now, adding
\setupcombinations [before={\resetcounter[test]}]
would be incorrect as the counter would get reset for each row...
On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 01:04:33 +0200
Hans Hagen
On 4/13/2013 1:13 PM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
(However, I am sure that Wolfgang can suggest an obvious solution that is already available, that I overlook... :)
\startcombination[2*2] {first} {\test} {first} {\test} \stopcombination
\startcombination[2*2] {first} {\test} {first} {\test} \stopcombination
\startcombination[2*2] {first} {\test} {first} {\test} \stopcombination
\startcombination[2*2] {first} {\test} {first} {\test} \stopcombination